The files included in this ARC are for your listening enjoyment. They were all digitized using the DigiPlay soft- ware from Alpha Systems. Compared to ST-Replay, it is a bit cheaper and sounds just as good as Replay does. As a matter of fact the digitizer that I use is a Navarone/Hippo. It's funny that this digitizer is such a good piece of hardware but the software for it STINKS! I bought the DigiPlay soft- ware from Alpha and it makes the Navarone act just like the DigiSound Professional! You can do anything that the Pro model can do. So if you're one of those people who bought the Navarone/Hippo digitizer in hopes of good sound and were disappointed, do yourself a favor, get the DigiPlay software from Alpha Systems, it only costs $49.95 and it's worth EVERY PENNY!!!! I am working on a GEM based conversion program to go back and forth between the three basic types of sound files available to the Atari community (i.e. DigiSound, ST-Replay, Navarone/Hippo). When it's done I'll post up here on GEnie. The file "PLAYDIGI.PRG" is a DigiSound file player. I threw it together "quick and dirty" but it should be pretty much bug free. The file "STARTSND.PRG" will allow you to have the Atari play a particular sound file on boot up. Just put "STARTSND.PRG" in your "AUTO" folder and make sure the sound file is named "STARTUP.SND" and is in your ROOT directory. It should boot, play the sound, then go on about it's business. If no sound file is found or not in the right place the computer won't lock up! They were both written using Alcyon 'C'. BE WARNED: ST-Replay files sound horrible if you try to play them with these files!! Like I said above, that's coming later! Have Fun, E.E. Aycock GEnie I.D.-->"E.E.AYCOCK" P.S. My favorite sound file is the "ROBOCOOP.SND" file. The quality is outstanding!